The Trying Together Challenge is a 3 hour game of continuous touch rugby - with rolling subs of course! This event is designed to engage students, foster community spirit, and raise funds so that School of Hard Knocks’ can run its Schools Programme in more deprived areas. Read on to find out why this event is a perfect fit for your school.

High Energy & Highly Manageable

The three-hour format of the challenge makes it accessible and manageable for all year groups. Each group will have their own time slot, ensuring maximum participation without overwhelming staff and student schedules. You can schedule your three hours however you please - the only rule is that the game must not stop

Learn, Lead & Succeed

Participating students will not only enjoy the physical benefits of playing touch rugby but will also have the opportunity to develop real-world skills such as teamwork, entrepreneurship, and fundraising. This is an excellent opportunity to integrate enterprise skills into your curriculum through the fundraising element of the challenge.

Imagine your students setting up a real-life mini social enterprise in school as a class project. They'll learn the ins and outs of planning, organising, and executing a successful fundraising campaign, all while working together towards a common goal. This hands-on experience is invaluable, equipping them with skills that will serve them well beyond the classroom.

Make Meaningful Change

By joining the challenge, your school will be directly supporting schools in more deprived areas. This is a powerful way for your students to experience the impact of community service and social responsibility firsthand.

To get involved in the Trying Together challenge please contact [email protected]